Import participants

Importing participants takes two steps: 1) adding registrations and 2) assigning the registrations. It is only possible to import e-mail addresses and names; so it is not possible to import other personal data such as address and date of birth. See Import custom fields to add custom field values to existing registrations.

Step 1: Adding registrations

Make sure there are unassigned registrations for the participants to be imported. This can be done by adding an order with multiple tickets via the back-end, or by purchasing multiple (group) tickets via the registration form.

Step 2: Assigning registrations

Create a spreadsheet that looks like this. In the first column, place the registration numbers that you can find in the export of registrations. In the second column, place the e-mail address, in the third column the first name and in the fourth column the surname of the participants.

Please note that all four columns are mandatory and it is only possible to import participants for registrations that have not yet been assigned to anyone.

Registration number Email address First name Last name
1 101 First name 1 Last name 1
2 102 First name 2 Last name 2
3 103 First name 3 Last name 3

Save the spreadsheet as a CSV file. You're now ready to upload it to Atleta. Atleta will analyse the file for potential problems, and show you a summary of the results. If no problems are found, you can go ahead an finalise the import. However, if Atleta does find problems, you have two options:

  1. Finalise the import anyway, skipping all invalid rows, and only importing the valid rows.
  2. Go back to your spreadsheet, correct the invalid rows, and try again.

When finalising the import, a confirmation e-mail will automatically be sent to the imported participant.